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To garner further engagement during the "Running For President" campaign we created Captain Obvious reaction GIFs to be shared during cultural events, such as Presidential debates and GIF-worthy moments. The library of GIFs lived on the campaign website where fans could easily download and share content. During the campaign, the GIF content received over 128 million collective views online. After the campaign was over, we moved the library of GIFs to and continued to keep the library fresh and relevant. 

The Captain Obvious GIFs allowed to participate in relevant cultural conversations in an organic and memorable way. The GIFs have been featured on blogs like Huffington Post and Travel Pulse and have received over 300MM views worldwide. 



Account Supervisor

+Managed creative development process through production and launch. 

+Worked with vendors to create GIPHY account; ensured assets were accessible across different types of devices. 

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